What is Reiki?

The experience Of Reiki

 is different for every client,

however; the most

common experience is an

almost immediate release

of stress & a feeling

 of deep relaxation.

Your Reiki session can bring

about personal change,

inner balance, clarity of mind,

&  a spark in your own

intuitive guidance. 

Reiki is a way to open up to the

 flow of Life-force energy that is essential for our feeling of

balance and harmony

in our lives.

Many describe it like finally

being  "tuned in" to a new

channel on the radio.

as if they turned the dial

on the radio & are now

tuned into a clearer channel,

that resonates with them

and their spirit. 

They often become more

creative, confident, have a

deep feeling of wanting

to discover what
makes them happy,

& an enhanced awareness

of things around them. 

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